Saturday 6 October 2012

[Practice Skin] Viking Tattoo

[Practice Skin] Another freehand "Practice Skin" tattoo of a Viking warrior.

[Practice Skin] Freehand Tattoo

[Practice Skin] Entirely freehand tattoo. Using a tattoo gun and regular ink on "Practice Skin"

[Self Tattoo] Mauri Style Leg Tattoo

[Self Tattoo] Mauri styled shapes on the knee and thigh area.

[Self Tattoo] Script Writing 'Lyndsey'

[Self Tattoo] Script style writing, "Lyndsey".

[Self Tattoo] Love Ink Writing

[Self Tattoo] 'Love Ink' tattooed on the right calf.

Butterfly and Love

Script style 'Love' writing alongside a coloured butterfly.

Heart Tattoo

A heart tattoo with added tribal style details. A banner also included around the heart including the name 'Elliot'

Tribal Dragon with colour

Tribal style Shark tattoo on the calf. Detailed with blue colour.